Our Team

  • Jon End Emily Engle - Co-Founders

    Jon and Emily are co-founders of Hold the Line, along with the Buhler Bros, and Sergio. Professionally, we are a firefighter and teacher, and have seen the depths of PTS and PTSD through personal trauma. It was our dream to make these trips a reality after seeing the help and calm fly fishing brought to our lives.

  • Ryan and Rob Buhler - Co-Founders

    Co-Founders of Hold the Line, the brothers Buhler are professional fly fishing guides, instructors, and fly tyers for the Kern River Fly Shop. Both have been fly fishing the Sierras for over 25 years. Through those years, they have discovered the healing powers of nature, and use fly fishing as a way of introducing others to those powers.

  • Sergio Martinez - Co-Founder

    Sergio is a fly fishing enthusiast and outdoor nerd. By trade, Sergio is in th Health and Safety field and a Search and Rescue EMT. Fly fishing has been a great way of dealing with on the line trauma and stressors. Introducing other first responders to fly fishing, to deal with PTS/PTSD, has been incredible. We must be each others keepers.

  • Dane Varner - Guide

    Dane is a native of Bakersfield, CA, and is one of the guys who jumped at the opportunity to help guide our attendees on our trips. He is truly knowledgeable and a pro at the Kern River Fly Shop. He attributes many positive changes in his life to fly fishing including meeting new friends and seeing new places. He hopes that the sport will offer our attendees the same peace and joy it has for him in his personal life.

We couldn’t do this without immense help from others. Some of our friends include:

The Kern River Fly Shop

Southern Sierra Fly Fishing Club

FreeBird Coffee

